Welcome to From the Newsroom, a roundup of news from Cox Automotive and perspectives from its analysts and experts on topics dominating the automotive industry. With autumn officially here, the auto industry is wrapping up the third quarter and looking ahead to the end of the year.
Welcome to From the Newsroom, a roundup of news from Cox Automotive and perspectives from its analysts and experts on topics dominating the automotive industry. After two quarters of sentiment from both franchised and independent dealers tracking in the same positive direction, independents were less enthusiastic this quarter, according to the Q3 Cox Automotive Dealer Sentiment Index released on Friday.
Headlines: Average Prices for Non-Luxury Vehicles Decreased in July; Average Luxury Prices Down Year Over Year, Largest Decline in a Decade; Electric Vehicle Prices Continue to Decline; Auto Incentives Offered by Manufacturers Reach One-Year High
Co-publisher's Note: The opinions contained in this Mid-week Auto News Update are the opinion of Cox Automotive. The Auto Channel may or may not agree with some or all of them but believes that a free press give the option to agree or not agree to the audience.