Maharashtra Minister Aaditya Thackeray on Wednesday inaugurated a viewing deck named Mata Ramabai Ambedkar Smruti viewing deck near Chaityabhoomi in Mumbai s Dadar.
A few months ago, the thought of attending an art show ‘in person’ was unthinkable. But as people slowly venture out of their houses with safety precautions in place, Tao Art Gallery creative director Sanjana Shah believes this is the perfect time to bring back physical shows.
Jaideep Mehrotra s Morph 1, 2020 (Watercolour on Arches Paper)
“The pandemic took the art scene completely virtual. Online viewings became the new norm. Initially, the art world did suffer a setback but I think we were quick to recover as an industry,” said Shah. “We have been open for visitors since September on an appointment basis but this is the first time we are opening up the gallery for a larger show. I think it’s high time!”