The Yule season brought holiday festivities to
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, including the opportunity to get drunk with in-game friends. However, Eivor’s thirst for mead seems to extend beyond just casual get-togethers. Following the Yule update, many players are reporting that
Eivor is consistently drunk. And while it may have been funny at first, this
drunk bug much like with real-world alcoholics doesn’t seem to know how to quit.
By all accounts, the perma-drunk Eivor seems to be a direct result of the Yule Festival update. Among the many seasonal activities is an in-game drinking contest, with the obvious goal of getting sloshed. Once properly intoxicated, players are subjected to a stumbling, swirly screen effect. It’s a little disorienting, but the effect fades away after a short while.