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Sputnik International
Mia Khalifa tweets in support of farmers protest after Rihanna and Greta Thunberg
Mia Khalifa tweeted in support of the ongoing farmers agitation in India in a new post on Twitter.
File photo of Mia Khalifa from Instagram.
After Rihanna and Greta Thunberg, porn star Mia Khalifa tweeted in support of the ongoing farmers agitation in India. In her post, Mia shared a picture from the protests and expressed severe shock over the sequence of events in Delhi. What in the human rights violations is going on?! They cut the internet around New Delhi?! #FarmersProtest, Mia Khalifa said in the caption of her post. She also shared a picture from the protests wherein a man was seen holding a placard that said, Stop killing farmers!
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After Rihanna, Mia Khalifa hails support to farmers protest
After pop star, Rihanna and teen climate activist Greta Thunberg many global influencers have come in support of the ongoing farmers protest in India. On Wednesday, adult star-turned-web cam model Mia Khalifa also extended her support for anti- farm law protestors. She took to her Twitter account and wrote, What in the human rights violations is going on? They cut the internet around New Delhi?#FarmersProtest She also shared the picture from the protests where one of the protesters can be seen holding a placard saying, Stop Killing farmers.
Mia Khalifa expresses solidarity with farmers protests
Calling the suspension of the internet at the main protest sites a human rights violation, Khalifa said she stands with the farmers
BusinessToday.In | February 3, 2021 | Updated 15:21 IST
Mia Khalifa (Image- Twitter)
Former adult film star Mia Khalifa tweeted in support of protesting farmers in India. Calling the suspension of the internet at the main protest sites a human rights violation, Khalifa said she stands with the farmers.
She tweeted What in the human rights violations is going on?! They cut the internet around New Delhi?! #FarmersProtest
She also called out those who accused the protesters of being paid actors.
Mia Khalifa tweets in support of farmers protest, becomes top Twitter trend
Published: Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 12:16 [IST]
New Delhi, Feb 03: After Rihanna and Greta Thunberg, former adult star Mia Khalifa too tweeted in support of the ongoing farmers agitation in India. In her post, Mia shared a picture from the protests and expressed severe shock over the sequence of events in Delhi.
What in the human rights violations is going on?! They cut the internet around New Delhi?! #FarmersProtest
What in the human rights violations is going on?! They cut the internet around New Delhi?!