Railway passenger transport operators will benefit from 16 locomotives and 119 new trains, after the contracts worth a total of 9.9 billion lei will be completed by the signatory companies, Sorin Grindeanu, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, said yesterday. after the signing of the contract for the purchase of 62 regional electric frames, between the Railway Reform Authority (ARF) and the Polish company PESA.
Dupa o perioada lunga de asteptare si multiple amanari in ceea ce priveste termenul de finalizare al lucrarilor, magistrala de Metrou Drumul Taberei pare sa nu-si fi atins scopul. Mai exact, aceasta nu reuseste sa depaseasca borna simbolica de 10.000 de calatori pe zi, iar acest lucru se intampla deja la un an de la inaugurarea ei.