Completed in 2022 in Mestrino, Italy. Images by FEDERICO FARINATTI, Studio Alvise Stramare. Introduction and Challenges. Our latest office project in Italy was a demanding assignment for which we had only a year and a half to plan and build..
BW Flexible Systems, a Barry-Wehmiller Packaging Systems company, reduced carbon emissions at its Italian facilities by 92% via a partnership with E.ON, one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks.
BW Flexible Systems, a Barry-Wehmiller Packaging Systems company, reduced carbon emissions at its Italian facilities by 92% via a partnership with E.ON, one of Europe’s largest operators of energy networks.
As of January 1, 2022, the flexible packaging company’s two Italian manufacturing plants located in Mestrino and Monte di Malo are now powered by 100 percent renewable energy, as certified by E.ON. Michele Allamprese, vice president, Europe, for BW Flexible Systems, said: ‘Our partnership with E.ON is one of many sustainability improvements we will be making to support a