the stats on swift and recorded 42 million messages per day in 2021 because that is what this is. a message alert system that goes between 11,000 financial institutions and 200 countries. it was up 11% in 2021, but what is interesting, in 2020, russia accounted for 1.5% of all transactions on swift. that is still billions of dollars on a big deal for vladimir putin but just to put it in perspective. is crazy a point that out because one of the things we have seen russia doing, changing the denomination from dollars into rubles. and these systems, we also know and just think back to that moment where president xi and vladimir putin stood side-by-side at the olympics and issued this very strong statement saying stay out of our business, stay out of the things we do in our region.
0 security council and participated in a virtual g7 leadership meeting to talk about all that is going on. we expect to hear from the president on what he calls and unprovoked ms. by russia. more than 90 minutes later than what he was saying. so it will be interesting. what will he say, and will he take questions? keep it here on fox. sandra: fox news alert as war breaks out in ukraine after russia launches a full-scale attack, hitting cities and military bases with more than 100 ballistic missiles. large explosions could be heard across the country has russian forces moved in from three science. at least 40 ukrainian soldiers were reportedly killed so far, and a number of casualties is expected to rise. john: world leaders are ready to respond to hammer moscow. covering this from all of the angles with our expert lineup. bret baier, general jack keane, stephen moore, robert wolf, daniel hoffman, brett bruen will all join us, coming up. sandra: and that s where we began this hour