It is my privilege to welcome you all to this celebration of all inspiring courage and resilience today we gather virtually to bestow congresss highest honor the congressional gold medal on nearly 3,000 american heroes, meryl marauders. Let us salute the family and friends who have continued to tell the story of these brave warriors and educated for the recognition they deserve thank you to the Us Army Leaders joining us today including secretary of the Army Christine mormon and army chief of staff general james mcconville. Let us recognize the members of congress who worked to make this momentous event possible including the late senator Johnny Isaacson who showed his great respe and congressman sandy. Bishop has long champion the marauders legacy and former congressman peter king always a reliable voice for our nations veterans. Finally, thank you to all those joining us online to honor the y ladies and gentlemen at this time planned as you please stand as you are able for the presen
Gold medal on nearly 3,000 american heroes, meryl marauders. Let us salute the family and friends who have continued to tell the story of these brave warriors and educated for the recognition they deserve thank you to the Us Army Leaders joining us today including secretary of the Army Christine mormon and army chief of staff general james mcconville. Let us recognize the members of congress who worked to make this momentous event possible including the late senator Johnny Isaacson who showed his Great Respect for our veterans. There was leadership on the Veterans Affairs committee and congressman sandy. Bishop has long champion the marauders legacy and former congressman peter king always a reliable voice for our nations veterans. Finally, thank you to all those joining us online to honor the marauders profound patriotism and unwavering devotion to duty ladies and gentlemen at this time planned as you please stand as you are able for the presentation of the colors and the national ant
it is my privilege to welcome you all to this celebration of all inspiring courage and resilience today we gather virtually to bestow congress s highest honor the congressional gold medal on nearly 3,000 american heroes, meryl marauders. let us salute the family and friends who have continued to tell the story of these brave warriors and educated for the recognition they deserve thank you to the us army leaders joining us today including secretary of the army christine mormon and army chief of staff general james mcconville. let us recognize the members of congress who worked to make this momentous event possible including the late senator johnny isaacson who showed his great respect for our veterans. there was leadership on the veterans affairs committee and congressman sandy. bishop has long champion the marauders legacy and former congressman peter king always a reliable voice for our nation s veterans. finally, thank you to all those joining us online to honor the maraude
you to the us army leaders joining us today including secretary of the army christine mormon and army chief of staff general james mcconville. let us recognize the members of congress who worked to make this momentous event possible including the late senator johnny isaacson who showed his great respect for our veterans. there was leadership on the veterans affairs committee and congressman sandy. bishop has long champion the marauders legacy and former congressman peter king always a reliable voice for our nation s veterans. finally, thank you to all those joining us online to honor the marauders profound patriotism and unwavering devotion to duty ladies and gentlemen at this time planned as you please stand as you are able for the presentation of the colors and the national anthem. oh lord. but okay. try come present. oh. oh say, can you see by the dawn s early light what so proudly we held at the twilight s last gleaming. who s brought some rights and bright stars through
joining us today including secretary of the army christine mormon and army chief of staff general james mcconville. let us recognize the members of congress who worked to make this momentous event possible including the late senator johnny isaacson who showed his great respect for our veterans. there was leadership on the veterans affairs committee and congressman sandy. bishop has long champion the marauders legacy and former congressman peter king always a reliable voice for our nation s veterans. finally, thank you to all those joining us online to honor the marauders profound patriotism and unwavering devotion to duty ladies and gentlemen at this time planned as you please stand as you are able for the presentation of the colors and the national anthem. oh lord. but okay. try come present. oh. oh say, can you see by the dawn s early light what so proudly we held at the twilight s last gleaming. who s brought some rights and bright stars through the par? adise fight or the