PIH in Images: 2020
From homes to hospitals, on rough roads and steep slopes, from capitals to rural communities, these moments in time give a glimpse of how PIHers around the world joined together this year to respond to COVID-19, continue lifesaving services across all of our health care areas, and show that health is a human right
Posted on Dec 23, 2020 Health workers with Socios En Salud, as PIH is known in Peru, work in full PPE to provide vital care and support in Lima.
Photo by William Castro Rodriguez for PIH
In 2020, PIHers around the world joined in a unified fight against an unknown virus, visiting patients at homes, health centers, and hospitals, to provide care and social support as COVID-19 spiraled into a pandemic.
Q&A with Dr. Carole Mitnick, PIH’s co-principal investigator of endTB project
Posted on Dec 22, 2020 An extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patient is examined as part of the endTB project at Sergio E. Bernales Hospital in Carabayllo, a northern district of Lima, Peru.
Photo by William Castro Rodriguez for Partners In Health
Tuberculosis is the most deadly infectious disease, killing more than 1.4 million people globally, most of them in resource-poor countries. Some forms of the disease are resistant to treatment and therefore can’t be cured using standard drugs. These multidrug (MDR)- and extensively drug resistant strains are particularly worrisome to patients and clinicians, and they are rapidly spreading across countries with the least resources to tackle them.