Srbija se danas u svakom smislu razlikuje u odnosu na period pre 10 i više godina i u svakom smislu na bolje, a posebno u međunarodnim odnosima. Sporazum "Otvoreni Balkan", koji su potpisali predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić i premijeri Severne Makedonije i Albanije Zoran Zaev i Edi Rama je kao Pokret nesvrstanih koji su sredinom prošlog veka pokrenuli tadašnji čelnici Jugoslavije, Egipta i Indije, Josip Broz Tito, Gamal Abdel Naser i Džavahrlal Nehru. Sporazum Vučić - Zaev - Rama je kao tada Tito - Naser - Nehru, rekao je predsednik Jedinstvene Srbije Dragan Marković Palma u Paraliji u Grčkoj, na zatvaranju Kancelarije Jedinstvene Srbije za ovu sezonu
really trying to do like an interview, you know, have a conversation. you know what? if i could just say something something. it really bothersly because senator men ends has come out and said i wish i could have this conversation with president trump. here s my question to senator men ends, why not pick up the phone and do what i did to have the conversation? i did. why aren t these senators if they are concerned with these issues, pick up the phone and try to talk to the president. maybe you can make some headway. like i can t understand that either. what s the take away that you have from this? what should we take away from the experience you have had being able to reach the president? is this as you said, this system surrounding him is apparently pretty lax, anybody can get through to talk to the president of the united states? what do you want us to take away from what you were able to do? i think we have proven how easily this administration can get duped. you know, i
new jersey senator bob men ends as he runs for a third term. they quote severely admonished him for refusing the advances of a wealthy donor that gave him gifts. he face as corruption trial that ended late last year. the senate ethics committee found that men ends failed to abide by senate rules and ordered had imto repay the market value of all the improper gifts. his lawyer dismissed the findings but it could have been worse for men ends. the committee didn t issue this rebuke until yesterday more than three weeks after the filing deadlines for candidates to launch perhaps a primary challenge for senator men ends. the point is he may not like this ethics committee but they did him a favor by releasing this after the filing deadline. we ll be right back with more mtp daily. elevated comfort powerfully efficient