this. democrats, plurality of democrats say, yes, we think we can pay the bills. other voters say we can t. it s worth noting. 71% of americans say government workers have better pension than private sector workers and that includes two-thirds of government employees. gregg: what is the solution to the fiscal dilemma whchbh you ask what people think the solution is, unfair question. they know something is wrong. they are looking for leadership. we did ask about one of the issues in the pension debate. if somebody joins a police force at age 20, work 25 years old. should they be allowed to collect a full pension and retire for life. most people say no, the person should keep working until they are 65 and then collect their pension. i want to fair on this. if you are 44, we want to change the rules on you next year. americans do think that
cuts. more than half of those polled, 39% support wreak bargaining power. these polls do show mixed results. people do like the idea of spending cuts to solve the state budget problems. but the union clearly out maneuvered governor walker. they succeeded on the economic issues they made their issue on collective bargaining, very unpopular fight for the. his job approval rating is down to 43%. he won an election with 52% of the vote. heather: another poll you looked at expanding beyond the badger state. what about americans, do they think the states can afford the pension plans? 56% say they think it s unlikely to honor the pension commitments they ve made. there is a partisan divide on
this. these hearings will bring out more hate. julie: congressman king points to recent incidents like the attempted tame squire bombing. the attorney general the secretary of homeland security have all spoken about the increasing threat through domestic radicalization. eric holder back in december he can t sleep at night because of the number of young memorandum americans who are willing to take up arms against their government. julie: the hearings will take place on thursday held by the house homeland security committee and congressman plans several more over the next year. heather: thank you very much, julie. gregg: a shocking investigative report revealing an expensive public pension plan that could be costing taxpayers an enormous amount of money. retirement plan for the los angeles police and fire department gives them the option of receiving both salary and