The makers of Uma have unveiled the first poster of the much-anticipated film, that gives a glimpse of the characters from the film. Uma starring Kajal Aggarwal, Tinnu Anand, Harsh Chhaya, Meghana Malik, Gaurav Sharma, Shriswara, Ayoshi Talukdar, and Kiaan Sharma, was shot in Kolkata in a start to finish schedule, with all Covid protocols
The poster of the upcoming film Uma starring Kajal Aggarwal released on Tuesday, gives a glimpse of the characters from the film.Talking about the poster, director Tathagat Singha said, The post production of the film is on. The poster has the look and feel of the film. Its a slice of life, feel good family entertainer and we are really happy with the way the film is shaping up.The film Uma also features Tinnu Anand, Harsh Chhaya, Meghana Malik, Gaurav Sharma, Shriswara, Ayoshi Talukdar and Kiaan Sharma, was shot in Kolkata in a start to finish schedule.The story of the film is a family drama, set in an aristocratic household with a wedding backdrop where the entire family assembles. The drama unfolds through the multifaceted characters in the house with the arrival of a stranger Uma.Produced by Avishek Ghosh and Mantraraj Paliwal, the makers are yet to announce the release date of the film.Text: IANSImages: Kajal on Instagram