The Illinois Gaming Board held its monthly meeting on Thursday, December 7, 2023. The meeting was hybrid with in-person accessibility at 160 N. LaSalle St., 6th Floor Legislative.
We ve instituted flexible schedules for people who are caregivers. They can take time off to attend appointments and take care of other related personal tasks.
VAs can help CEOs gain back a significant amount of time during their workday, allowing them to turn their focus back to vital decision-making and operational tasks.
Before we provide the summary of this month’s IGB meeting, we wanted to briefly point out that the agendas for recent meetings have been significantly slimmed down. While the published.
Königstein (gs) – Das vergangene Wochenende stand ganz im Zeichen des 50-jährigen Jubiläums der Städtepartnerschaft Königsteins mit Le Cannet-Rocheville. Vor ziemlich genau 50 Jahren, am 23.