These five companies are planning to raise Rs 1,680.72 crore through their issues. The estimated cumulative amount does not include the offer-for-sale component of the Epack Durable IPO.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services IPO | Medi Assist is going to be the first listed entity in the third-party administration services (to insurance companies) sector, after debuting on January 22 on the bourses.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services is a health-tech and insurance-tech company that manages health benefits for employers, retail members and public health schemes.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services IPO | The IPO shares, which will debut on the bourses on January 22, were available at a 19 percent premium over the upper price band in the grey market.
The Medi Assist Healthcare Services IPO is entirely an offer for sale (OFS) of 2.8 crore equity shares by the selling shareholders, and there is no fresh issue component