Yeah i like to connect with people because i think a good mayor needs empathy in fact we all need to the citizens in a mixed society empathy helps you to to place you in the shoes of somebody else and then then you see that the city looks completely different sometimes and if you all need to use that empathy then you can create. a good society. everyone should help in that effort and it would seem that everyone here is these days fewer people in meckling are voting for right wing populists reality of our world is that we change every day and we have to adapt to those changes so if we speak about integration in a diversity we all have to do efforts we all have to do to try to make the best of it and it s not only them we have to become like we know we all are together in the same city and we all it s all our. it s not a paradise here we have our problems have a lot of difficulties but react changing their reigning in the game. it takes ....