about the times doing a story about mchacks is what page texted to strzok. more than they did? i told you quinn told me they re pulling out all of the stops on some stories, strzok replied. melissa has a point, how else do you take these things? what the lawyer is saying, and earn blake has a good piece in the washington post, he s explaining the other part of the side, what the lawyer is saying. harris: but this is new. yes, we just heard it on air, need a few minutes to talk about it. it seems like the i.g. report from michael horowitz came out and did not find wrongdoing on peter strzok . not true, absolutely not true. anybody who read that i.g. report knew what he was saying. he found no evidence that they had taken any measures to stop trump presidency. not correct. i believe it is. not correct. anyway, so in 2012 peter