Christopher conover to provide that oversight and congress is not doing its job by making sure they provide that oversight by doing a budget and 12 Appropriations Bills so we have to go line by line and address the issues that are not good use of taxpayers money and give it back to the taxpayers and get our budget house in order. Moderator ron barber, same question to you, is there something specific in the budget you would like to see hold out to save money and how much could you save . Barber let me preface this by saying the approach Congress Took in 2011 to reduce the deficit was the wrong approach. It is called sequestration and made acrosstheboard cut on every federal program. It hurt our military, our veterans, research and development, it heard all kinds of programs including education. I am not in favor of sequestration. I said that from the beginning and i hope we get rid of it. I am in favor of kicking and annual g shows steady that pointed out 90 billion in programs that co