Minot, ND 58701
bidder’s bond in a sum equal to 5%
of the full amount of the bid execut-
ed by the bidder as principal and by
a surety, conditioned that if the
principal’s bid is accepted and a
contract is awarded to the principal,
the principal, within ten (10) days
after the notice of the award, shall
execute a contract in accordance
with the terms of the bid and the bid
bond, and any conditions of the City
of Tioga, as required by law. A
countersignature of a bid bond is not
required. If the City of Tioga elects
to award a contract to the lowest
When Larry Kulick was a little boy at St. Martha Parish in Leechburg, he told his pastor that he wanted to be an altar server. The priest told him that
Bishop Lawrence Persico of Erie was a student at St. Joseph Preparatory School in Unity Township when the late Monsignor Giuseppe De Andrea taught there and was headmaster.
After serving various ministries in the Diocese of Greensburg (1958-1981), including being pastor at St. James Church in Salem Township, Monsignor De Andrea returned to his native Italy. He was installed as a bishop there, then Titular Archbishop of Anzio, and was appointed by Pope Paul II to serve as apostolic nuncio to Kuwait, Yemen and Bahrain.
Bishop Persico, as a monsignor and vicar general of the Diocese of Greensburg, was pastor of St. James Parish from 1997 to 2012 when he was appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Erie.