“Students absolutely need it.” These were the words of Oregon State University student Adison Rowe, who attended the Student Fee Committee Meeting held last week, where they discussed a raise in wages for fee-funded student employees. The focus of the Jan. 25 meeting, led by Student Fee Committee Chair Matteo Paola, was to discuss 13.
Disclaimer: Orange Media Network is a part of Student Experiences and Engagement and will be participating in these meetings as an organization. Deciding where all the money goes, Jan. 20 marks the kickoff of student fee deliberations with the Student Fee Committee at the Associated Students of Oregon State University. According to Matteo Paola, he.
This week, a resolution to raise all Oregon State University student worker wages from $14.20 to $16.65 per hour was struck down by the Associated Students of OSU. Resolution SR-83.01, or “Resolution for a Living Wage for Student Workers,” called for ASOSU to support an increase from the current Corvallis’ minimum wage of $14.20 to.
Many different organizations have tables set up in the Oregon State University library quad at any given time, but on Nov. 7, something about the Service Employees International Union table in the quad stood out – maybe it was the free Chipotle burritos. On Nov. 7, union representatives of SEIU 503 and union employees held.
Oregon State University recently launched a one-year pilot program intended to extend student working hours from 20 to 24 hours per week. This program aims to increase student earnings, as well as take into account the academic pursuits of students. The program, a collaborative stakeholder group, which includes representatives from the Office of Financial Aid,.