LOWELL Less than one mile from and eight hours before Tuesday night’s City Council meeting at City Hall, Councilor Corey Robinson’s criminal defense attorney Ryan Sullivan represented his client in the ongoing Commonwealth v. Corey Robinson case at Lowell District Court. The council's agenda featured discussions about potholes, migrant families and cyber security.
LOWELL The resettlement of 46 migrant families to UMass Lowell's Inn & Conference Center from a site in Sturbridge is on hold, according to a communication obtained by The Sun.
LOWELL City Manager Tom Golden told the City Council Tuesday that he still did not have an arrival date for the migrant families to Lowell’s Inn and Conference Center from the Healey-Driscoll administration.
LOWELL State and local agencies are getting ready to receive migrant families at Downtown Lowell’s 252-room Inn and Conference Center, perhaps even in time for the holidays.