Maryland Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart). Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac Imagine it's last Saturday, and you're Sherrone Moore. Six years ago today, you were the Tight Ends coach for Central Michigan University, and you were preparing for a Tuesday night #MACtion game at Kent State in front of 5,580 people. Three years ago, you were the Tight Ends coach for a 1-2 Michigan team coming off Michigan's first loss to Indiana since the invention of the color Crimson, and you were probably polishing your resume on the not-so-off-chance your boss got fired. And yesterday, you were Michigan's Offensive Coordinator. But five hours
Maryland Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart) Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt. PUNT By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac The James Webb Space Telescope is awesome in every sense of the word. It took more than two decades, hundreds of organizations, thousands of people, and approximately $73 Bazillion to design, build, launch, and deploy. The thing lives about 930,000 miles away, orbiting around an invisible gravitational parking space called a Lagrange Point at nearly four times the distance of the moon. Its mirror is 21 feet wide, which is one-and-a-half times the average length of a Spencer Petras pass attempt. It is a stunning scientific achievement. According to NASA, the launch and d
Maryland Links: Preview, The Podcast, FFFF Offense (chart), FFFF Defense (chart)
Something's been missing from Michigan gamedays since the free programs ceased being economically viable: scientific gameday predictions that are not at all preordained by the strictures of a column in which one writer takes a positive tack and the other a negative one… something like Punt-Counterpunt.
By Bryan MacKenzie@Bry Mac
Some time in the early 19th century, Stuff was invented. Before that, the manmade items in the world consisted entirely of food, swords, farming implements, pantaloons, and scrolls. But Stuff was great. Early Stuff was fine by modern standards, but was COMPLETELY NUTS by the standards of the day: fancy hats and sewing machines and bicycles with gigantic wheels for some reason. And as time passed, more and more Stuff came into existence. And everyone was happy.
By the 1960s, though, a problem had arisen. With the creation of the interstate highway system and improvement