Alba Party Leader and former first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond.
I must say I don’t see what all the fuss is about.
In my opinion it shows exactly what the whole push for Scottish independence is all about: “We beat the English over 700 years ago, and if we all wave our saltires hard enough, we can do it again.”
Although the SNP are now distancing themselves from this man, it wasn’t so long ago that they were championing him as Scotland’s saviour.
The independence movement has no real argument, it’s all about historical grievance.
Forget that for over 300 years, we have been part of the most successful union of countries the world has known – or that if we were not part of the UK, we would have a year on year, black whole of around £15 billion.
Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross at the launch of the Tories’ list vote campaign in Edinburgh yesterday ALLOWING for my advancing years, although, happily with all my faculties, intact (so far anyway) I trust you may forgive my confusion. I really did believe the forthcoming election was for the Scottish Parliament, and for a new Scottish Government, not a General Election. However, according to the STV leaders debate ( FM: We took our eye off the ball on drug deaths , The Herald, April 14) it appeared Scotland is to elect a UK Prime Minister, not a Scottish First Minister. Boris Johnson s name appeared so frequently, I unhappily lost count.