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Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book TV 20131222

you know about this. and it leads to the question, are they misof informing congress, do you think? and if so, why? well, first of all, they haven t been asked the right question, so they haven t misof informed congress. but there is such a thing as to missive misrepresentation to missive misrepresentation. and if you knew there was a terrorist getting your money, you would with duty bound to report it. and our country, our administration should not be vibrantly and robustly allowing american taxpayer money to be fungiblely financed into terrorist salaries. we should just abruptly say this has got to stop. now, let me give you a similarly. the biggest simile. the biggest demonstration in the history of man kind occurred in egypt some months ago. the biggest petition in the history of mankind occurred in egypt some months ago. the muslim brotherhood was dethroned. the question was, and i have my own tv show, i asked this question, everybody in the media was asking this q


Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion 20131227

arguments so it refers to a whole collection of host: a major reason for the success of bank lobbying is the permissive myth that banks are special and different from all other industries of economy. anyone who questions the claims are at risk of being declared incompetent to participate in the discussion. guest: yes, it s true. host: how strong is the banking lobby lobby the states? guest: very strong. after the crisis of 2009 it was senator durbin who said frankly wall street owns the place. the politics is a little different.there is a good political problem and that is what i learn more and more as they became involved. it s not about making that argument. it s not necessary or sufficient to be successful in policy debates. why? well because there are narratives that people prefer to have and there seems to be some entrenched misunderstandings shockingly held by all kinds of people who you would think should know better. it s hard to sort out sometimes why p


Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion 20131227

incompetent to participate in the discussion. guest: yes, it s true. host: how strong is the banking lobby lobby the states? guest: very strong. after the crisis of 2009 it was senator durbin who said frankly wall street owns the place. the politics is a little different.there is a good political problem and that is what i learn more and more as they became involved. it s not about making that argument. it s not necessary or sufficient to be successful in policy debates. why? well because there are narratives that people prefer to have and there seems to be some entrenched misunderstandings shockingly held by all kinds of people who you would think should know better. it s hard to sort out sometimes why people say what they say. some people say to me they just don t understand these subtle things but i think that s really weird. sometimes we are talking about part of the mystique. somehow when you go into banking you suspend all judgment. it s all different so here


Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion 20131227

argument. it s not necessary or sufficient to be successful in policy debates. why? well because there are narratives that people prefer to have and there seems to be some entrenched misunderstandings shockingly held by all kinds of people who you would think should know better. it s hard to sort out sometimes why people say what they say. some people say to me they just don t understand these subtle things but i think that s really weird. sometimes we are talking about part of the mystique. somehow when you go into banking you suspend all judgment. it s all different so here in the rest of the economy have a lot of companies and a lot of corporations. they fund what they do. the bank somehow are different. they are allowed to say things that you would wouldn t make any sense and other corporations. somehow it s inferred that that s okay. host: one of the arguments you make in your book is about equity and capital and first of all you define those for people. what are t


Transcripts For CSPAN2 Book Discussion 20131227

[applause] [inaudible conversations] the government was shut down for 16 days in october as republicans unsuccessfully tried to debunk the president s health care law. tonight on our companion network c-span a look back at the congressional debate and president obama s actions during the shutdown. that s tonight on c-span at 8 p.m. eastern. i think radio is the longest and the best form of media that is left but we are doing right now is long conversation unprecedented. unprecedented. only c-span does long form conversation. it s tremendously revealing when an author s other book read these days because they don t get many people have read the books and know what they re talking about with page notes. it s so rewarding for them to i get a great deal of satisfacti satisfaction, the highest conflict, that s the best interview i ve had on this book to. loved the interview on things that matter, his new collection of essays. some of which are old. that makes my day. i like ra


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