Kenneth Andrade, Founder & CIO of Old Bridge Capital Management, anticipates a potential market downturn in the coming year. He identifies valuation risk as a key factor that could remain for extremely long periods.
Read more about India s market capitalisation to GDP ratio at 115%; highest since 2008 on Business Standard. Combined m-cap of all listed firms has doubled since last March to Rs 226.5 trillion
How valid is today s open concern over high valuations & market correction?
Experts are saying the Indian market is very expensive and bound for a correction but is that really the case? Read on Vinod Nair January 17, 2021 / 09:00 AM IST
Equity has been and will continue to be the key instrument of wealth creation, be it short-term or long-term basis. Since liberalisation, our economy has been construed as a developing chariot of investment. During this time passage, the Indian market has passed through many situations of overvaluation and undervaluation, mostly biased by global factors. The market was very lucrative during the collapse of March 2020 and expensive in the latest quarters.