smoothly. clearly a lot of questions about the logistical elements. i don t want to skip over the humanitarian efforts by u.s. forces there at the airport. we re seeing these pictures that the u.s. marine corps is tr tweeting out the marines helping children. there s been seven medical emergencies involving infants and children outside the airport. what s your understanding of what we re seeing and how those medical emergencies would be handled. the marines go to kabul international airport with medical personnel among them. they can handle some pretty serious medical situations. they prefer not to do that and prepare somebody for evacuation that s serious to a medical facility. they are equipped with medical personnel and equipped to handle the situations. it s brutally hot there on the ground. we heard from clarissa ward.
i have several follow up questions. the president said it was 169 americans. you say americans are having no trouble getting through check points to the best of your knowledge. me qu my questions are this. first of all, what was the situation of these 169 americans that required u.s. troops to go outside the perimeter and get them. why these 169 americans? when did there happen? how long did the mission last? was it 169 americans all together? did you feel you had safe passage from taliban? tell us more about this. i don t have that level of detail. do you, general? u.s. troops went outside the wire at the airport to rescue 169 americans and that s what
over the wall took it to a norwei norweigan hospital at the airport. they treated the child and returned to child to the child s father. was there only one? i m only aware of the one. it was an act of compassion because they were concerned. are they going to be brought? or were they put back outside the airport? i don t know. the baby was returned to its father. i don t know where they are now. obviously, we have a responsible to return a child to the child s parent. i don t know who the parent is and whether they are an applicant. i don t have the humane act of compassion by the marine. i have a question for the general. now that the airport is secure, you can take us back to the breach occurred on monday.
illness was and return ed. they are being as compassionate as they can. i think you will continue to see that kind of compassion going forward. we got to get going. thank you very much. all right. first the news of the last 24 hours. 17 flights have left the airport there in kabul carrying 6,000 passengers. the general says that included a couple hundred american citizens some clarity from the pentagon. first to you on the question that both the president and now the general have been asked about the potential to expand operations into kabul. detail the risk of that come to american forces if that decision
quickly. it was always going to be moving 5,000 people a day. what is it when president joe biden said u.s. military went over the wall to kabul international airport to help get 169 americans. what does it mean to go over the wall? is it resources going beyond the airport or just picking out 169 americans out of the crowd to get them out of the thousands we have seen outside the airport and bring them inside, just to speed the process of americans. that is the priority of the u.s. military at this point. biden putting an emphasis on getting afghans out as well. they are having much more trouble getting through taliban check points. that s something the u.s. government is trying to work with the taliban on and the lines of communication many the ground on kabul to try to speed that up. this is very far from a perfect process as you see the crowds there. the chaos, we hear the gunfire from videos we have seen. there s a lot of work to go before this process is moving