The 51st Miss Black EIU pageant returns Feb. 24 after being canceled last year due to a lack of participation. This year’s pageant consists of three contestants: Destinee Patterson, junior secondary education and English language arts major, Rafiat Yarrow, senior political science major, and Samaria Rosenthal, senior psychology major. Ariel Taylor is the coordinator for.
The Eastern Illinois National Pan Hellenic Council (NPHC), hosted its 2023 Greek 101 fall informational Wednesday, Sept. 6 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The informational was held in the Grand Ballroom on the top floor of the Martin Luther King Union. The central focus of this event was to give all students, freshman, transfers.
The transition from a school or neighborhood full of people who look just like you to a PWI, predominantly white institution, in a rural town can be difficult and a bit of a culture shock for African American and other minority students. The need for community and human interaction from someone of a similar walk.