Edward K. “Eddie” Dunn Jr., former president and chief operating officer of Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Co. whose philanthropic efforts were shaped by a deep and abiding Catholic faith, died March 31 from complications of Alzheimer’s disease.
Jerome “Jerry” Hantman, Howard County’s first cardiologist who grew his private practice into an advanced cardiology facility and continued to volunteer at free heart clinics later in life, died March 28 from the progression of Parkinson’s disease at his Columbia home. He was 80.
Ozella L. “Zella” Oden, a warehouse manager, homemaker and active volunteer who was a board member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, died March 23 in an automobile accident. She was 31.
Ozella L. “Zella” Oden, a warehouse manager, homemaker and active volunteer who was a board member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, died March 23 in an automobile accident. She was 31.