Signaling a crisis: The story of Connecticut s first COVID-19 death
Ken Dixon
Fred and Beverly Marchionna on vacation in Hawaii in 2011. Fred Marchionna, a retired manager at PerkinElmer Corp., was the first Connecticut resident to die of COVID-19.Courtesy of the Marchionna familyShow MoreShow Less
Danbury Hospital was the site of the first confirmed COVID-19 infection in Connecticut on March 6, 2020. On March 17, another patient, 88-year-old Frederick Marchionna of Ridgefield, became the state’s first fatality there.H John Voorhees III / Hearst Connecticut MediaShow MoreShow Less
Benchmark Senior Living at Ridgefield Crossing, on Route 7, in Ridgefield, where 88-year-old Frederick Marchionna became infected with COVID-19. He became the state’s first coronavirus related fatality on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, in Danbury Hospital.Peter Yankowski / Hearst Connecticut MediaShow MoreShow Less