New Delhi [India], February 27 (ANI/PNN): Share India Securities Ltd. (BSE: 540725, NSE: SHAREINDIA), a tech-based financial conglomerate which specializes in the latency-based trading platform, has approved the terms for its rights issue. The Rights Issue Committee of Share India Securities Ltd, has approved the terms of Rights Issue of Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10 each along with Rights Securities to the eligible shareholders of the Company was approved, for an aggregate amount not exceeding Rs. 100,000 Lakhs. Rights Entitlement Ratio is fixed at 1 (one) Rights Equity Share along with 17 (seventeen) Detachable Warrants per Rights Equity Share, for every 50 (fifty) fully paid-up Equity Shares held by Eligible Equity Shareholders as on the Record Date. Issue Price per Rights Equity Share is at Rs. 700 per Equity Share of face value of Rs. 10 each (including a premium of Rs. 690/- per Equity Share). The Record Date is fixed as Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Issue Opening Date is T
look, in the cnn poll revealing. if you look at it the president s approval on the economy, 42/57. he s upside down. in march of 09 it was 59/40. on foreign affairs it s 44/54. march 09 it was 66/28. handling the budget deficit, 34/64. we have one-third of the people. terrorism where he still has a positive number 52/45 down from 61/35 when he came into office. this is not good numbers. here s the most damaging one. this is really troubling if you re in the west wing of the white house tonight. honest and trustworthy. 49/50, the president is now upside down on being seen as honest and trustworthy. by example, just after he got sworn in he was 74/23.
look, in the cnn poll revealing. if you look at it the president s approval on the economy, 42/57. he s upside down. in march of 09 it was 59/40. on foreign affairs it s 44/54. march 09 it was 66/28. handling the budget deficit, 34/64. we have one-third of the people. terrorism where he still has a positive number 52/45 down from 61/35 when he came into office. this is not good numbers. here s the most damaging one. this is really troubling if you re in the west wing of the white house tonight. honest and trustworthy. 49/50, the president is now upside down on being seen as honest and trustworthy. by example, just after he got sworn in he was 74/23.
you have to look at the progress we made. we have had 29 straight months of job growth. the president is the first to say we have to make more progress. brian: look at this together. then and now. so whesident took office and where we are at right now. you said you are not happy. unemployment is up and median income is down and gasoline has doubled and the national debt is through the roof at 16 trillion. what your slide is missing back in january, february and april of march 09, we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month. it is brutal. we have been creating jobs. this doesn t reflect population growth, the job creation. did the 800 reflect
fundamentally weak right now with this congress. hey, dylan, you want barack obama to fix this problem? any president, i don t care. okay, simple. you make it so that lobbyists and corporations can t give politicians money and i bet you ten bucks, democrats, no republicans would ever bail out wall street ever again. that s absolutely right. and one last thought i have to throw in here. there was a generational moment when obama was first sworn in, january, february, march 09 when everything was going to hell, that was the opportunity to restore the appropriate regulatory balance that had been removed for years. instead of doing that, we got a lot of the same architects of the crisis, larry summers and timothy geithner, who were major contributors to this were instead put in charge, and of course they weren t going to admit their error and undo what they had done. we re stuck with the legacy of both the bush administration and the obama administration and clinton! and clint