EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
Publicis [PUB.FR] +3% (sales),
Deliveroo [ROO.UK] -1% (trading update).
BOE Q2 Bank Liabilities and Credit Conditions Surveys noted that lenders expected the availability of secured credit to increase over the next three months to end-May. Total funding volumes were expected to increase in the three months to end-May (Q2).
German Fin Min Scholz reiterated stance that govt must support businesses and households until the pandemic was over. Country could afford to finance all spending that was needed and stressed that Germany would be better off compared to other countries after the crisis.
German Leading Economic Institutes confirmed it cut its 2021 GDP growth forecast from 4.7% to 3.7% (as speculated). Raised 2022 GDP growth forecast from 2.7% to 3.9%. Cautioned that further delays in vaccine deliveries and virus mutations were the biggest downside risks.