brian: i don t feel good about having something named sloppy. i do remember it as something good. steve: that s why they call it a manwich. brian: meat with sauce on a bun. steve: time for news with jillian. jillian: good morning to you. the lead prosecutor is taken off navy seal eddie gallagher s war crimes case a military judge ordering the removal days after the decorated veteran was freed over misconduct allegations. the navy lawyer now admitting to secretly tracking emails belonging to gallagher s legal team to find the source of leaks to the press. gallagher s attorney joined us last month to call for action. i think that this type of prosecutor misconducted. the entire prosecutorial team should be taken off the case. we need to know what the judge knew and when. right. quite frankly the whole things should be dismissed.
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i mean, this is we re talking about the safety and security of this country and the world, and they need to be find a way to work hand in glove and not for the intelligence community to simply ignore the commander in chief. all right. everybody stand by. there s more information coming in. we ll take a quick break. we ll be right back. is it man? put some manwich on the table. and give boring weeknight meals, the night off. make tonight a manwich night