Chief Minister Eknath Shinde condoled the passing of Babar and has directed that his funeral should be performed with full state honours. As a mark of respect, the state cabinet meeting was cancelled and the CM, along with several cabinet ministers, shall be going to Sangli and pay their last respects to Babar. Anil Kalajerao Babar Dies: Ruling Shiv Sena MLA From Khanapur-Atpadi in Sangli Passes Away at 74; To Be Accorded State Funeral.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has expressed condolences on Singh's death. Having been with the Congress for a long time, Singh joined the BJP in 2017 and became the MLA from Dadraul. He retained his seat in the 2022 polls. Manvendra Singh Dies: Uttar Pradesh BJP MLA From Dadraul Passes Away in Delhi After Prolonged Liver Problem.