Uttarakhand chief secretary Radha Raturi on Tuesday instructed officials of the forest department, the police and the administration to take strict action against people who are igniting fires in forests
Even though the mainstream narrative supports the probability of the Bharatiya Janata Party candidates winning from all the five Lok Sabha seats in Uttarakhand, the party is still heavily relying on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ensure it achieves its aim of the thumping victory it is projecting.
Responding to the ‘Mere Vikas Ka Hisab Do’ campaign of the Congress, the Bharatiya Janata Party State media in-charge Manveer Singh Chauhan termed it laughable. He said that the BJP is approaching the public with its 10-year report card and will get the blessing of the public in the form of
The Bharatiya Janata Party has stated that the Congress is without issues and is hence raising inconsequential matters to divert the focus of the public. The BJP State spokesman Suresh Joshi said this in response to allegations levelled by the Congress about the BJP’s Garhwal candidate Anil