In an unprecedented move, a film produced in Dhaka took the leap into Tollywood, marking a significant milestone in the industry's cross-border collaborations. Sanjoy Somadder's directorial venture "Manush" boasts the acting prowess of Kolkata's superstar, Jeet, alongside acclaimed actors Jitoo Kamal, Susmita Chatterjee, and Bangladesh's Bidya Sinha Saha Mim.
In remembrance of the 43rd death anniversary of the original megastar, Uttam Kumar, The Daily Star revisits the Mahanayak's legacy in Bengali cinema. Mahanayak Uttam Kumar a name fitting for the charisma, persona, and relatability of Bengali cinema’s top star has always been perplexing for film critics, filmmakers, and audiences alike.
The Bangladeshi film industry is witnessing a new wave of resurgence and popularity as a handful of cinemas were houseful this year. A total of 50 films have released in 2022.
Raihan Rafi directorial “Poran”, which is based on true events, was released during Eid-ul-Adha. Both the production team and the actors were very active in terms of promoting the movie before its release. Even after the release of “Poran”, the team behind the film have remained as active as ever. The team has been visiting cinema halls in various locations to gauge audience