Industrialisation for Employment and Growth in India: Lessons from Small Firm Clusters and Beyond edited by R Nagaraj, New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2021; p 260, `950 (hardback).
How Can India Avoid Jobless Growth?
Extreme automation is leading to massive job destruction globally. But can India escape this phenomenon through focused policy interventions such that, unlike in the past, GDP growth also leads to job creation? 2021-03-01T07:37:42+05:30
Jobs come from the Primary sector, Secondary sector and Tertiary sector industries. Primary sector jobs consist of main agriculture and a bit of mining in India. Core agriculture has already seen a significant reduction in jobs. That leaves Manufacturing and Services as the expected growth engine for job creation.
India’s services sector holds enormous significance for the Indian economy; dynamic and endowed with a unique and distinct universe of its own. India has grown rapidly, formally and informally, in the last decade with almost 72.4% of the growth in India’s GDP in 2014-15, coming solely from its services sector. The services sector has emerged to contribute majorly to nati