In a horrifying incident reported from Guna, Madhya Pradesh, a 24-year-old man named Ayan Pathan has been arrested for allegedly assaulting, raping, and torturing a 23-year-old woman. The accused reportedly was forcing the victim into marriage and demanded ownership of her house. Madhya Pradesh Horror: Man Rapes Woman After Brutally Thrashing Her With Belt and Pipe, Puts Chilli Powder on Wounds and Seals Her Mouth With Adhesive; Arrested.
In a shocking incident from Rohtak district, Haryana, two prisoners have been booked for allegedly raping a woman inmate in a prison van when the cops were busy with documentation. The accused, identified as Manish and Satish from a village in Jind district, were out for treatment along with the victim. Haryana Shocker: Cops ‘Busy’, Two Prisoners Rape Woman Inmate in Jail Van After Offering Her Spiked Cold Drink; Probe Launched.
Prosecutors say the man laid in wait outside of his ex-girlfriend's home before attacking her with a knife on her front steps in the middle of the night.