played. the study showed a 15% reduction for women in their 40s and 32 reduction for women in their 60s. but they found that false positives resulted in anxiety and unnecessary surgery. there s a different study every week that says mammograms don t work, screening doesn t work? i ve had two scarce. you ve got to. unless there is a better option put out there, these numbers don t do anything for me. are you going to not get screenings because you might get anxious or you might have to have another screening? i sat there for three weeks with something that they thought they saw and found out they didn t.
done on the subject. this isn t the final word. critics point to earlier studies that found mammograms as being equititi equititive effective. sanjay, this absolutely grabbed my attention. and this statistic is why every one should care. every year, 37 million mammograms are performed costing about a hundred dollars per mammogram. yeah, and look, there s no question. there s a huge cost here. and the question for a long time has been what s the benefit to doing these and could there b a potential harm. this is a controversial topic. i ve been covering this almost as long as i ve been a medical reporter here on cnn. it is a long study, it is a large study. they looked at around 90,000 women.
and shy souls. guys? not what you want in your bread or anything you want to eat. so a brazen challenge to texas police officers. you got to take a look at this. posted on their own website. this terrifying helmet cam footage appeared with the taunting caption, catch me if you can. the motorcycle is going over a hundred miles an hour in the video and now they say they know who s driving. we have more. reporter: take a look at this disturbing video shot by a motorcyclist wearing a helmet camera. you can see the cyclist weaving in and out of rush hour traffic in san antonio, officials say at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour. it would have just taken a split second for him to impact the lives of several people, possibly killing someone.
is demand 60 votes to pass this lem slags. that will require five republicans to join with democrats. i don t think he s going to prolong this and force the senate to sit through the snowstorm. that s the one thing that will really unite these guys, getting out of town before a snowstorm. that one thing seems to be a universal truth. i do want to have you back so we can talk about what this kind of episode means in forecast about other big policies facts like immigration. let s take a look at what s in the papers this morning. dallas morning news, shocking new costs associated with the west nile virus. a study says the mosquito borne virus has cost americans more than three quarters of a bill dollars since it first appeared in 1999.
york city. best in show this evening is the wire fox terrier. thousands of competitors from 200 breeds were primped an paraded at westminster 138th annual dog show. in the end only one ferocious victor nabbed the coveted title of best in show. there s a look at our best in show for 2014, sky. crowd favorite and veteran show dog sky, a female wire fox terrier deemed worthy of the show s top award. terrier took 46 of the 105 best in show ribbons, most recently in 2010. veteran judge handed out the honor draped in distinct westminster purple. overwhelming. so proud of her.