PUTRAJAYA: It is now easier for the public to lodge complaints against enforcement agencies and officers with the new online Complaint Resolution and Investigation Handling System (SPAPS), developed by the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC).
it s a reflection of his love for flying. reporter: but there is also this the other thing that could be important in the simulator is whether the pilot trained anyone else on the simulator. reporter: investigating the pilots requires a deep dive into their health and personal history, bank accounts, recent life insurance purchases, divorces, separations. there could be a number of things that cause personal stress and under severe stress, a person can do bad things. reporter: indicators of a problem could be carefully hidden. is there a drug problem, a mental problem, any additional recent prescriptions, failure to report for any physicals, which in the united states would have not made you legal to fly. anything unusual. reporter: joe johns, cnn, washington. our thanks to joe johns. we also learned that among the passengers was a malaysian civil