In 2023, Wiscasset and other towns dealt with how to get and keep workers, improve residents’ and businesses’ internet access and, in Wiscasset’s case, how to protect the wastewater treatment plant from the rising water of climate change.
Suzanne Hiltz, owner of Das NiederHiltz Haus in the small Aroostook County community of Cary, is selling her Chapped Hide line of salves and moisturizers.
Woolwich voters will be asked to consider a land sale and other articles at a special town meeting in the municipal building at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 6. The selectboard finalized the warrant Wednesday night, Nov. 15. It asks permission to sell a.
Only comments of support were aired at a required public hearing in Woolwich for OpBox, a company which assembles and sells modular structures and other products made from recycled plastic. David King Sr., chairman of the selectboard, said the Oct.