Mahua Moitra cash-for-query case: The Lok Sabha Secretariat had cancelled the allotment when she was disqualified on December 8, instructing her to vacate the property at 9B, Telegraph Lane within a month by January 7.
In a series of tweets, Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra took a dig at Lokpal and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for initiating a preliminary enquiry against her in the cash-for-query case.
TMC MP Mahua Moitra (PTI photo)
NEW DELHI: Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra on Saturday took strong exception to the stationing of three armed security personnel at her home in the national capital, wondering whether she was under some sort of surveillance and asked Delhi Police chief to withdraw them.
In the letter to Delhi Police commissioner SN Shrivastava, she said the station house officer (SHO) of Barakhamba Road police station had come to meet her at her residence on February 12 and shortly thereafter, around three Border Security Force personnel armed with assault rifles had been deputed outside her house.