Raking up the issue of financial irregularities in Chhattisgarh, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered scathing criticism of the ruling Congress in his election addresses. He accused the party of prioritizing corruption for personal gain when in power. Modi highlighted multiple scams, including the PSC recruitment scandal, Mahadev betting scam, embezzlement in liquor contracts, cement fraud, and paddy procurement irregularities.
Former small business owners Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal are being investigated for their involvement in a money laundering scheme linked to the Mahadev online betting app. The duo, who previously ran a juice shop and a tire shop, transitioned to operating a massive online betting empire. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) estimates that the scandal involves around Rs 5,000 crore. Chandrakar and Uppal are currently being sought by the ED, which has issued non-bailable warrants for their arrest.