Lucknow district magistrate Surya Pal Gangwar has ordered the authorities to set up a dedicated control room. Residents can now file complaints on a toll-free WhatsApp hotline number with the exact GPS location of the area in need of attention. Gangwar has also formed a task force with the Public Works Department to oversee the repair work on pothole-ridden roads.
Lucknow, May 23: After the boom of IPL in Lucknow, the capital of UP, the Khelo India University Games craze is at its peak. Khelo India University Games is going to start and it is astonishing to see such craze for sports among the people as if a festival is being organised.
After the boom of IPL in Lucknow, the capital of UP, the Khelo India University Games craze is at its peak. Khelo India University Games is going to start and i
After the boom of IPL in Lucknow, the capital of UP, the Khelo India University Games craze is at its peak. Khelo India University Games is going to start and i