This is my last one for the offseason. Comments will close for this one on Oct 3. That's near enough to the start of pratice not to merit a separate "offseason" fanpost. So I'm handing the "talk.
If you're wondering, 30 days seems to be how long comments stay active on FanPosts. Last one went up July 4 and comments closed August 3.
Here's the current offseason talk page. The previous one.
Offseason talk page! The previous one is here.
Sorry I let my responsibilities slide. The previous fan post is way off the front page; worse, comments are closed on it! I don't know exactly how.
Offseason talk page! The previous one is here.
Memorial Day has come & gone! It's June, the school year has ended, and summertime is upon us. Let's advance the scholly chart to show what the.