News24 Disinformation Desk has been monitoring false claims about the elections and political parties. Here are some key fact checks for disinformation about the election that have spread online.
The ANC in North West has accused opposition parties of causing disruptions during the elections, calling on its party agents to remain calm.It noted with concern several incidents since the.
The Madibeng Municipality's darts team won gold at the recent provincial games of the Inter-Municipal Sports of South Africa (IMSSA) held in Potchefstroom. The volleyball team brought home silver and the football team finished third and received a bronze medal. Acting Municipal Manager, Morufa Moloto congratulated the
Old prepaid meters will stop working on 24 November if they are not replaced or receive a critical update in time. Hartbeespoort and Brits residents are afraid of being left in the dark should the Madibeng Municipality not succeed in the task.
Prepaid electricity meters are due to