Andhra Pradesh leads in Science stream exams with 75.63% passing rate, followed by Manipur, Telangana, TN and UP. However, UP has the highest enrollment, followed by Maharashtra, TN and Bihar.
UP Board Admit Card 2024: Find here UPMSP Class 10 and 12 Admit Card along with release date, admit card download procedure, exam day guidelines, and more
The number of students who have failed to qualify the Class 10 exam has increased in the last four years it was 109800 in 2019, 100812 in 2020, which decreased to 31196 in 2021 but jumped drastically to 117308 in 2022.
After CBSE, these states have cancelled Class 12 Board Exam 2021 - Check full list - After CBSE, here is the list of various states which have cancelled class 12 board exams 2021.