the doctor and his son carried brooks and leslie to a nearby hospital. and then the doctor and his son went to went out to the house to check on my mom and dad. the children fought for their lives. in the middle of the night, they were moved to an intensive care unit in oklahoma city. their wounds were appalling. one bullet had nicked brooks heart. it came in this side of my back and collapsed this lung. and what about your sister s injuries? she was shot twice, and one of them went through her forearm because we had our arms tied together behind our back. then it went through her lower back, and then the second bullet went through the middle or not even, just off the center of her back and came out her chest. the doctor called the sheriff s office. officers reached the douglass home around 11:00 p.m. lynn steadman was the commissioner of the county. the preacher, reverend douglass and mrs. douglass, were still at the residence on the