The UK’s rivers and lakes invite relaxation, whether it’s a rush of water across a small burn, a beck or a loch. And there’s nothing nicer than holidaying right
Want the best UK vineyard stays and vineyard tours? We've found the best English vineyards for wine tastings and overnight stays, from Sussex to Cornwall
Jane Knight decants the lowdown on the UK vineyards offering accommodation, noting: British wine is bubbling with potential, with 879 vineyards, double the number from 2012.
Michael Caines
Sylvain Peltier, left, and Michael Caines outside Café Patisserie Glacerie.
- Credit: Matt Round Photography
Unfortunately, we were unable to celebrate Lympstone Manor’s fourth birthday this month but I did raise a glass for a different reason.
For last week I was privileged to taste the fruits of our labours - literally.
Myself, our operations director Steve Edwards and a journalist were able to sample the wine that has been fermented from the first crop harvested from our vineyard.
Our Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Meunier grapes will be blended by Lyme Bay Winery to create a high quality English Lympstone Manor Cuvée.