To be able to you know make a life out of these. The sandals are also available here in cameroon of course for somewhat less than on the International Market christian personally seeks out customers slowly the locals are buying the idea of a co friendly items made by prisoners. Its a one of a product and i love it and he put it to the prison for him because like i had business on prisoners who live in the prison business meeting so you know we used to push them to tell them that they have a police van or. The tires to send those project was driven by a passion for his dedication and efforts Christian Nicky made the 2017 Africa Youth Awards last for the 100 most influential Young Africans and in 2018 he was named the Luxembourg Peace Prize as an outstanding Youth Peacemaker and that is it. Is
africa as always you can catch all our stories on our website and a Facebook Page in sudan protests is all still camped outside the Military Headquarters in hotrod today will leave you with picture
Russia's alleged space-based nuclear weapon sparks US concern, raising red flags about treaty violations and potential space arms race and asteroids Iris and Massalia confirmed to hold water.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said that it re-established contact with its moon lander on Sunday night as the spacecraft resumed its mission, taking pictures of the Moon’s surface and transmitting them to the Earth.