Saturday, November 4 celebrates the 2nd annual Gathering of Nations at the Bonita Museum & Cultural Center and the Bonita Sunnyside SD County Library. The gathering celebrates indigenous cultures, highlighting craftspeople, storytellers, food and educational resources held on traditional Kumeyaay lands. The museum and event will take place in the Greg Cox Civic Complex located at 4355 Bonita Road, in Bonita CA. 91902. The events are free and open to the public.The event will be opened by tribal elders and delegates and includes Kumeyaay Bird Singers. The cultural bird songs, of which there are 300 in the takut cycle, are a metaphor for life. On stage find presentations and regalia from Aztec Dancers, Mexi’cayotl Indio Cultural Center, and the “Eagle Spirit Dancers” Ben Hale dancers, presentation of powwow culture. Visiting tribal members from New Mexico. Visitors will find educational resources from Kumeyaay College’s Kosay Kumeyaay Market, Blackfeet displays with Chuck Jen