Once a river and now a drain, the Kukrail riverfront in Lucknow, which is being freed from encroachment, will be developed on the pattern of the Sabarmati riverfront in Ahmedabad."Nearly 25 acres of area which is being reclaimed on the .
Once a river and now a drain, the Kukrail riverfront in Lucknow, which is being freed from encroachment, will be developed on the pattern of the Sabarmati riverfront in Ahmedabad."Nearly 25 acres of area which is being reclaimed on the .
Lucknow will embark on its month-long celebration of Bada Mangal, a celebration typical to the state capital, from May 29.The festival assumes greater significance since it comes at a time when general elections are being held.The Tuesdays in .
After wrapping up weeks of campaigning, the candidates in fray for Lucknow, Mohanlalganj Lok Sabha seats, and Lucknow East Assembly seat, had a bit re.